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Tuesday, 24-06-1997
As I received enclosed letter on behalf of your Prime Minister I sent the following Fax message to the President of the European Union:

'Concerns: New Light
Very esteemed Mr Kok,
I have understood that You - considering Your busy activities in Denver - could not be present last Sunday in Huis ter Duin. I only had to be content with Emile Ratelband (Tsjakka). My way back home from NOORDWIJK to Utrecht went prosperously. The service of the Dutch railways was excellent until Hilversum. There I took a bus that left me before 'het Neutje'. The light was out when I arrived, but that has not lasted a long time. Within a split second the whole Neude was a See of Light! On behalf of Your colleague I received added letter. Meantime I proposed to him to have another bycicle tour in London. I hope you will be there again at that time, when you have got some rest. Of de Baak I made one slogan my property: agresivo: 'quiero mucho más'. I may presume that this will not be brought into account, because I invested sufficiently in that company, that nevertheless is still my home harbour. With friendly regards and high esteem.'

Scorpio: 'The day may start with some troubles and it may last some time until peace has been reestablished'. One may say that. The police had a lot of work to do at this moment. The fire brigade as well, I suppose. 'This afternoon help will be provided from unexpected sides'. Here we are. 'Lovers have a nice evening'. There is only a boat company under that name here in Utrecht, crossing the Utrecht canals, just like in Amsterdam. Perhaps I could step in that boat, but there is still a lot of work to do regarding everything that I had to read today and the information that I had to manage. It's nice. It makes me think of the Town Hall not far from here and the red carpet to receive new married couples. Now I hear the sound of the chimes of the Dom Tower, probably on such an occasion. I look at your photographs and the cards of Leamington Spa, Warwick and BUCKINGHAM PALACE. Cancer: 'Your partner makes profit of an investment or collaboration and your own work goes like clockwork. Nevertheless also a red flag is hanging out; this afternoon you may have an argument with a colleague who has that intention.' I phoned to Mrs Van Putten. She was not at home, but I invited her to have a conversation about the Schiphol Project. The red flag is obvious. I sent Mr Blair a letter with the following text: NEW VISIT.

I also received enclosed letters of Seagull Legal Services Ltd considering the Corporation tax. Tomorrow I will send my reaction (enclosed). I continue with the news analysis of the last few days: Paris: maintain pressure on the Netherlands (NRC 20/6). That must be a mistake. The change of policy of the Dutch Government has never been influenced by France. Only by me. Hat off for Royal Ascot (T21/6): Peter Benfield is from Arkley. On Carpark Number One he just parked his Purple Rolls Royce. The thousands on and around the terraces have only eye for each other. And for the Veuve Clicquot. There is still a bottle waiting on the Neude. I rather prefer to determine in which car I want to drive (Oracle the Information Age). I stick to the Purple Jaguar Sovereign.

Love is flowering in the Heart of England (T21/6): Birmingham, Saturday. In a garden you can loose everything of yourself. Your Love, Your travel madness, Your youth memories and even a dramatical occurence in the Family. Cowboyhead off for the Dutchman (T23/6): Clinton, his Russian colleague Boris Jeltsin and the political leaders of Great-Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Canada and Japan, showed, according to Kok sincere interest for the Dutch Model that in the United States also is called with admiration the Third Way.

Tjakka, Seven hundred thousand guilders for the good purpose (T24/6): It was a true star gala that had been held in HOTEL HUIS TER DUIN for the Flying Doctors. Regarding Mr Ratelband. Plug out of the centre of the Netherlands (T24/6): The greatest disturbance in national history started around half past ten yesterday morning. I found myself on the railway station of Leiden at that time. So you see. There's still a lot of work to do in this country.

Beatrix and Claus on Kings' Cruise (T24/6). Willem-Alexander to blows in disco (T24/6). Now I am really going to believe that it was Him whom I met in the night of 23 March in 's-Hertogenbosch, although He had to be in the Hague on the same day for His confirmation in the Dutch Reformed Church, founded by Gaspar. Sorrows for Maîtres D (T24/6): President Bertil Veenstra with the maître d'hotel of the Hotels van Oranje in Noordwijk. Electro Deltaplan necessity - Electricity disturbance biggest ever (T24/6). So I hope everything will be secure and safe when I come again to the United Kingdom. There is a lot of work to do for the sergeant. I wish him all the success he needs.