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Thursday, 29-05-1997
I worked hard yesterday and was visited by Mr King of the First of January, my youngest son and my ex-wife. I told them about my personal developments. You will have nothing to fear from my ex. I think she will encourage what I am doing now and when I express my love to someone I stick to it. I had a confidential conversation with mr King about The Tao and the poem 'IF' of Rudyard Kipling and the message I received in Henley:
'You have nothing to fear from the Prince of Wales'. I also discussed this subject concerning our future foreign minister '99 with mr King. I think the message is clear and he understood everything very well. He left my house with my photograph of 22 April and a personal message: From the Neude to The Loo. I am impressed by the visit of Bill and Hillary Clinton. She called the tradition of tolerance and respect for human dignity in the Netherlands an example for the world and it is good that she had the opportunity to talk with Mrs Rita Kok and our State's Secretary of Education, Tineke Netelenbos, who is very well informed about my ideas and activitities during the past. I may presume that I can count Mrs Hillary Clinton as one of our new supporters. In his speech to Mr Clinton our Prime Minister expressed that the Netherlands are prepared to act as a guest land for a Euro-Atlantic conference, preferibly in the second half of this year to discuss in concrete terms a public-private infrastructure initiative on facilitating the attraction of private capital. I think it will be very important that the Cervantes Plan will be included in this proposals. Today is the day of my removal and I feel exhausted. Next week I will write to my friends in Henley and Warwick.