Als vervolg op mijn bericht van gisteren met de titel TROOPING THE COLOUR stel ik u thans in kennis van de brieven die ik terzake sinds mijn laatste BERICHT UIT DE KEIZER KAREL STAD aan mijn GEVOLMACHTIGD DIRECTEUR heb doen toekomen. Te weten: JEKYLL & HYDE, OPNIEUW CEES VAN LEDE, WWW.CERVANTES.BE, ADERLATING, DE VERBORGEN AGENDA, COMPUTERSCHIJVEN GEÏNDEXEERD, OTTERLO, SAMENVOEGING IN HETZELFDE ORGANISATIEMODEL, VOORBEREIDING LEZING MALAGA, COQUILLE DE ST. JACQUES, 20060606, FUNCTIONALITEIT, DE DA VINCI CODE, ELIZABETH, SANGRE REAL en DE SLUITSTEEN. Hierbij denk ik aan het testament van de heer PAYAMI JODAT. Ik heb van hem de volgende berichten ontvangen: 24th of May. Dear J.L. van der Heyden, I have made application for a change of ownership to your name as the appointed EXECUTOR. Armed with that, you can contact the Storage Company yourself and book an appointment when you can make the trip to Madrid as soon as possible to claim the Deposit on my behalf. Believe me, I have nothing yet to offer you but my word and Integrity. But be rest assured that you will be fully reimbursed of any expenses upon your visit to Madrid. Upon your arrival, you will open a non resident account where the money will be firstly deposited before onward transfer to your nominated account. Please contact the officer in charge of the fund immediately with the following informations: Mr. Oscar Romero Director of international operation CITY STORAGE SL Email: citstorage@madrid.com Direct Mobile Num: +34 616 353 436 Please find attached of the related proof documents e.g The Certificate of Ownership and Deed Of Lodge and I have already forwarded the application for a change of ownership to your name as the appointed EXECUTOR to the Storage Company . So please contact them now to enable you make the claim of the fund. Thanks and may the almighty God be with you and Bless you. Looking forward to your urgent reply. Take care & God Bless you. Best Regards Mr. Payami Jodat.

En Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 04:28:00 -0700 (PDT) From: Payami Jodat Subject: YOUR TRIP TO MADRID Dear van der Heyden, I am so sorry for not reply to you quickly because my conditions was very bad. Regarding your trip to Madrid you told me last time that you will be in Spain before but I was so suprise that I did not heard from you if you still travel to Madrid or not. So please let me know if you still travel to Madrid and if you have also contact the Storage Company so that my mind will be at rest. Thanks and God Bless. Best Regards Mr. Payami Jodat. Mijn reactie op Vrijdag 16 juni 2006 02:00 An e-mail message about Letters to Diana Princess of Wales has been mailed to payamijodat I received your message of 7 June 2006 and a telephone call from Mr. Oscar Romero on the 25th of May. Last Wednesday I flew back to Spain. Here I received also your message of 24-05-06. I can not open a non resident account in Spain because I am a Spanish resident. This problem can be solved together with my director of the Banco Popular, Mr. Miguel Vertedor. Rond 13:50 kwam hier even een helicopter van de plaatselijke politie een kijkje nemen. Ik heb een duim naar hen opgestoken en toen zijn ze weer vertrokken. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS SEÑORES! ESTO ES LO QUE SE LLAMA ¡COLABORACIÓN! FELIZ FIN DE SEMANA Mijn dank gaat vandaag ook uit naar MAARTJE VAN WEEGEN voor haar commentaar bij de reportage van gisteren. My sincere gratulations also go to SIR PAUL PAUL MAC CARTNEY on his 64th birthday.