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Wednesday, 9-04-1997
I was afraid that in my latest letter I had expressed myself too personal. When I think about the reconciliation with a direct member of the family I think about the Cervantes Family. So I decided to make the diplomatic gesture to send my business plan, without correspondence survey, to the lawyer of our Spanish friends and offer them to participate financially. My holiday plans are in an advanced stage. This afternoon I will rent a car from the 23d until 30 of April. From nebib I received the message that De Baak will not act as my reference. This must be the result of the letter I wrote on the 4th of April. I hope they will find a peaceful solution.
I arranged my Trip to Paradise: Kensington. I hired a car from 23 until 30 April and sent a registered letter to the lawyer of the Spanish namesake with the following message:

'Dear Mr Quataert,

As 'spider in the web' in daily life I let myself be guided by the stars. Already the great discoverers did so and even our Prince Maurits of Orange found a lot of strength in his strategical movements during his fight against the Spanish predominance in the sixteenth century. My horoscope of yesterday and today mentions 'A diplomatical gesture can make an end to a long lasting quarrel. Be the wisest. Enjoy yourself about a reconciliation with a direct member of the family.' By that direct member of the family I consider your client the Association Instituto Cervantes in Madrid. Once I mentionned in a letter to the Spanish King that the name Cervantes derives from Un Ciervo Antes, in the past a hart, hert, hett, heydt or van der Heyden (ethymologically), the old Heyden souvereigns of for example Henegouwen (Hainault = Heydener gouwen) who during the crusades and the Spanish reconquista run into the help of the Spaniards in their struggle against the moorish occupation. For that reason I decided today to inform you in the first place about my personal motives to the foundation of the Instituto Cervantes Benelux. I come from education. During my career as a teacher I worked seven years long - besides my work - for a first degree education on Spanish language and literature (M.O.). After my graduation there was no work for a first degree graduated hispanist. Therefore I had no other choice than to start an own institute, in which a hundred hours working week was the most normal issue of the world and the salary minimal.Afterwards I developed many ideas for educational programmes that I regularly saw appear in competiting organizations. In many cases I felt robbed of my ideas. I did the work and the others earned the money. In the period 1989 - 1991 I had a pleasant working environment at the Management Centre VNO-NCW in NOORDWIJK. In 1991 this work stopped and I had to invent something creative another time. The basical thought was an institute for managers maintaining business relationships with Spanish speaking countries. As I graduated in 1977 on the writer Cervantes and I wanted to protect my rights on my intellectual possessions for now and ever I deposited the name Instituto Cervantes at the Benelux merkenbureau. For the realization of my plans I have had to take radical personal decisions in 1992, such as the dissolution of my family and the selling of my house in order to be able to pay the first developmental activities. In that period your Spanish client came into the picture. To be exact during my already formerly mentionned conversation with the cultural attaché at the Spanish Embassy in the Hague, Mrs María Jesús Alonso. Instead of collaboration I have only received obstruction. For the good order you herewith receive copies of the fax messages I sent to you in the past period.

Because of the experienced obstruction I have had to occupy myself for some time to the promotion of Spanish within Dutch regular education. In good collaboration with different parties this has led to the result that Spanish in 1998 will be introduced in Dutch secondary education as a fully recognized examination subject. In the near future this will produce a pour out of pupils who have to go to work. In order to avoid that they next will be confronted with the same problematical situation as I did in 1977 I decided to anticipate on that situation with my plans.

As diplomatical gesture I decided today to transmit you, in favour of your clients, my most recent version of the Business Plan Instituto Cervantes Gestión Empresarial. Herewith you can conclude that this plan does not conflict in any way with the cultural proposals of your client. On the contrary. The story is completely complementary and we need each other. In the meantime I made again so many costs of development without having received considerable income that I have had to sell my house on the next first of June and if I get no assistance I will be standing on the street after having devoted myself during eight years for this cause.

You will agree with me that my rights are strong as iron. Nevertheless I prefer a good cooperation to a lingering, money wasting, legal procedure. Therefore I herewith propose to your client to participate in my Cervantes Project. A financial contribution to the Foundation Cervantes Benelux would be a good start as a recompensation for the costs made by me, that at the moment amount about 100.000 guilders. The account number is Postbank 4729266. Also Spanish employers are heartily welcome to participate financially in the business units of this new company.

I am looking forward with interest in due course and hope to count with a positive cooperation of your client."