Maandag 28 januari 2002 Harry Mens had in Business Class de bedrijfsleidster van Paleis Het Loo - mevrouw Elsenga - op bezoek. Zij was getooid in een rood mantelpakje met het logo van William and Mary. Voor zover ik mij kan herinneren heb ik haar op 28 september vorig jaar nog gesproken. Erik Dou heeft mij in Ellecom geadviseerd het persbericht aan de heer Woelderink te verstrekken. Ik heb bovendien met hem afgesproken in het kader van de feedback op het persbericht de reacties naar de Rijks Voorlichtings Dienst "door te lussen". Voordien had ik nog een gesprek met twee dames die op vakantie naar Schotland willen. Ik heb hen in kennis gesteld van mijn bezoek aan Balmoral Castle op 28 december 1999. Nadien heb ik ze niet meer gezien. Het laatste gesprek heb ik gevoerd met Alexander Weijts uit Lathum. Hij heeft mij een lift gegeven naar de trein in Dieren. Eerste persberichten uitgegeven. Ik ontving het volgende bericht van Roy Diment: Hello everyone: Just a reminder that we are moving at the end of January. As of Feb 6, our new contact information will be as follows: Vivencia Resources Group1079 Laurel Rd. Sidney, BC V8L 5P3 Tel: 250-656-9368 Fax: 250-656-9387 cheers, Roy Diment VRG Design & Publishing Services Reactie: Hello alone, Thank you for your message, JOHN. See you in Victoria. Om 12.05 Heb ik het volgende emailbericht via de website van de Minister-President verzonden: Geachte Heer Kok, Langs deze weg laat ik U weten dat mijn boek LETTERSTO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES thans op de - hoofdzakelijk Engelstalige - markt is verschenen. In het afgelopen weekend zijn er door mijn uitgever in Canada 12.000 persberichten verzonden met daarop mijn emaildres in Spanje. Ik neem mij voor aangaande de verwerking van de reacties een gezamenlijke communicatiestrategie te formuleren met de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst. Volgende week 4 februari ga ik weer naar Spanje terug. Ik bevind mij nu nog op het logeeradres in Nijmegen en ben hier bereikbaar op het emailadres van mijn moeder. Uw reactie zie ik met belangstelling tegemoet. Met de meeste hoogachting, J.L. VAN DER HEYDEN. Ik trof op het internet ook nog het officiële communiqué van de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst over de verloving tussen Willem-Alexander en Máxima van 30 maart 2001. 11.11 Ontvangen van hjc Subject: Royalties Dear Mr van der Heyden, Thank you for your reply. It is, however, still not quite clear to me who will receive the royalties. If it is currently you personally, you need to transfer the royalty rights to the company that will be managed from Cyprus. Whether or not that should be a new company or your current one depends upon what activities your current company has. Please describe these to me. Thanks and regards, Nicolai Heering HJC (Cyprus) Ltd.

Dear Mr. Heering, The royalties will be paid to me personally by Trafford Publishers on a quarterly basis. Last autumn I received the following information from them: "Dear Author: Autumn greetings from Trafford Publishing! Thank you once again for using our publishing service. Enclosed you may find details on royalties and sales of your book(s) during the months of July, August and September. If there is no printout about sales, there were no copies sold. At any time you can monitor your book's sales. If you have forgotten your user name and password, please contact your author services rep. A growing number of authors are having us deposit royalties directly into their credit card account. We strongly encourage this direct deposit approach, since it bypasses various fees that your local bank may wish to impose for cashing cheques. Let Monique know if you wish to opt for this plan. The authors who are selling the most books are clearly those who are investing much time, resources and considerable ingenuity into their marketing campaigns. One made a sandwich board of her novel's cover and stood beside a busy highway to attract motorists' and the media's attention; another found email lists for thousands of professionals in his book's niche and is sending personalized email messages to thirty each night and following up two days later; many are organizing their own launch parties at local restaurants; others are distributing flyers... We only hear about a fraction of the creative mechanisms our authors are employing. Please keep us informed about any reviews, signings and other news so your author services rep can post details in the Publisher's Notebook section of our website. We've just negotiated a great discount for our authors planning to publicize via radio talk shows. Trafford authors will receive a 25% discount for Gordon's Radio List, which provides contact information for over 750 US radio shows that do phone interviews with guests. Regular price is US $100 - Trafford authors pay only $75, which is less than 10 cents per show. Contact William A. Gordon, North Ridge Books, P.O. Box 1463, Lake Forest, CA 92609 USA. 1001 Ways to Market Your Books - If you haven't received your free copy of this great book, and you wish to get your copy immediately - email or phone vour author services rep or Tyra at the order desk. You pay only the shipping and handling costs for this superb book [regular price is US $27.95]... no handling charge if it is included with your next 'author order' for your own books. We've been experimenting with online advertising of individual books, hoping to demonstrate that this method could be cost-effective for our authors to use. It is far too soon to have definitive results - we'll report on this tactic in the next quarterly royalty letter. If you are keen to experiment right away, you might check out the small, targeted ads you can place on and Here are the URLs: · (then select AdWords) · Google's AdWords blurbs require short URLs, so it is okay to NOT include the www part of your book's robots address at Trafford. For example, you could link to (substituting your book's catalogue number for the 01-0003 in this example). The number of new titles being launched each month is steadily increasing. I'm very proud that about one-fifth of these come as referrals from our authors, or are additional titles by existing Trafford authors. I see this as a clear indication that most of you are really appreciative of the service you've been receiving. We are honoured by your support. We're delighted to welcome Jolene Lowey as our fourth author services rep. Born here in Victoria, Jolene worked four years as a newspaper reporter. She also taught in Chile for two years - she is now very fluent in Spanish and brought back a Chilean husband! Please help spread the word about our service. It benefits everyone if there are more authors using the on-demand publishing approach; bookstores, customers, the media - they are being won over by the first ranks of pioneering Trafford authors, paving the way for wider acceptance for everyone. In addition, you'll receive a cheque for $148.50 [C $223.50] for every new author you refer who signs for a Best Seller publishing package, or 15% of the price from the other packages. Printing more books faster and at lower cost to you: · Book sales are steadily increasing. We've just acquired an additional colour cover printing device to further boost our production capacity. Our goal of filling orders (confirm payment, print, bind, package and ship) within 3 to 5 business days is being met, and we are often bettering that timing. Even orders of 250 or more books are generally shipped within a week of the order being placed. · Deeper discounts on Author Orders - when you order books for your own distribution, you will now receive these discounts:

· 50 or more, 3% off the single copy price
· 100 or more, 6% off
· 250 or more,9% off
· 500 or more, 12% off
· 1000 or more, 15% off

Handling/packaging/admin fee for orders of less than 50 books has been reduced to US $10.00 (C $15.00). The handling/packaging fee has been eliminated for orders of 50 or more copies.
· If you are planning a public appearance, you can take orders and record all the credit card info, then email or fax it to us to fill the order. There is no discount involved. The transaction is technically between the customer and Trafford - you will receive your regular royalty on the sale. If you wish to have blank forms for recording the information, please ask your author rep to prepare and mail some to you.
· A
new binding option is now available. Authors with spiral-bound books have experienced challenges with bookstore managers who are reluctant to stock a book that doesn't have the title on the spine. We can now produce a front cover with an extended flap which folds over the open side of the book and tucks away inside the back cover, forming a "false spine" showing the title. The extra labour adds US $0.70 [C $1.00] to the single-copy print cost. Authors with existing titles opting to change will pay for one hour of technician's time and a printed proof. Please also be aware that retail price must be 2.5 times the adjusted print cost.

Distribution highlights

* All Trafford titles are now listed at Baker & Taylor (the US's second largest distributor to bookstores and the largest to US libraries). Most US bookstores and libraries will be able to order Trafford titles directly through this major distributor. For example, (the mega website for thousands of independent bookstores) is now showing Trafford titles, because of the B&T information feed. and are now using B&T to offer all new Trafford titles. It takes about 6 weeks after we submit information to B&T until a new title appears on Amazon has just added a $1.99 handling charge to most of our books and also charges the full retail price- presumably this will help them deal with their massive monthly losses.
Barnes & Noble's website is now far outselling Amazon for Trafford titles. The reason is likely availability and price: Barnes & Noble ( continues to order a few copies of most new Trafford titles to have them in stock in their central distribution center. Their website then shows "In Stock: Ships within 24 hours, Same Day Delivery In Manhattan." Many titles are also sold at a modest discount off retail. Please encourage Barnes & Noble by directing customers to
* At the website ( and the in-store kiosks of Chapters-lndigo,
Canada's largest bookstore chain, most Trafford titles are showing 2 to 3 week availability. They are being quite prompt about listing new titles.
* Of course we also encourage you to
direct your customers to the bookstore at - that's where you'll earn the highest royalties and where the orders will be shipped most promptly.
* All Trafford titles are now listed at
Bowker's Books-in-Print service and at Based in London, Auckland and Cape Town, Book Data is a popular reference source for many European, Asian and African bookstores.
* We've entered a trial program with, the
Hamilton, Ontario company that is installing in-store book manufacturing equipment into three bookstores this autumn. Initially they will be focusing on 5.5 by 8.5 format books only. Because this is new and innovative technology, we anticipate many learning experiences over the next few months. To monitor progress, check out their website at
* We're talking with Lightning Source about having them act as a
wholesaler for ebook versions of our titles. They would arrange for sales through Amazon's ebook store and other vendors. Volunteers are required - contact me if you are interested in including your book in the trials. Although ebook sales are still very disappointing across the industry, we'd like to experiment with a few titles to be ready when this approach catches on.

Thinking of publishing a second or third or fourth book with Trafford? Many authors have two or three, and a few prolific authors have 6 or more titles selling through our service. Your second publishing package costs 15% less than the first. The third and subsequent packages are 20% off the full price. Unleash that stifled creativity!
Our regular news releases announcing new titles are sent to over 12,200 email contacts now. If you wish to subscribe (you'll receive an email two or three times each week, each announcing up to three new titles).

If you have any questions or comments or suggestions, please contact your author services rep or me. Our service continues to evolve and improve, aided significantly by the great flow of feedback from our authors.

Once again, I thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you as we strive to constantly improve the on-demand publishing service at Trafford. cheers, Bruce Batchelor October 31, 2001

P. S. With the new discount rates and no handling/packaging/admin fee for 50 or more copies, now is a great time to buy more copies for sending to reviewers and selling locally. Contact Tyra and specify you are placing an "author's order" to qualify for the discounts.

P.P.S. If the book sales and number of new authors continue to grow at the current rate, we'll be considering opening a US office and print facility - likely in North Carolina - next summer. Any thoughts?"

Mr. Heering. I decided to send you this complete information although I am aware that great deal will be superfluous. The first payment will be in April of this year. I do not want another company than the current one on Cyprus. Although I would like to retire, the company can be set up by other people, converting Instituto Cervantes Ltd into Instituto Cervantes Holding Ltd as described in my book LETTERSTO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES. Therefore I request you to order the book and read it. The main structure is described on page 30 of the book. But the latest decisions about the edification of the company is to be seen in my PowerPoint presentation 'Plus Ultra', that I will send you by separate email. If I can manage. Till thus far. YOURS SINCERELY, J.L. VAN DER HEYDEN.

16.42 Verzonden aan hjc Subject: Presentation Power Point. Dear Mr. Heering, Herewith you find my presentation Bedrijfsstructuur in Microsoft PowerPoint. It is in Dutch, but I may presume that it gives you an idea. Aren't you Dutch? The name Heering, or Heeringa sounds very familiar. I am looking forward to your reaction. Yours sincerely, J.L. VAN DER HEYDEN. 22.15 Vijf tot tien minuten geleden kwam hier laag een vliegtuig overvliegen. Hij maakte een draai rond de grens van Nijmegen-Zuid en vloog vervolgens in de richting van 's-Hertogenbosch. Het deed mij denken aan het vliegtuig dat vorig jaar laag op mijn appartement in Zuid-Spanje kwam aanvliegen. Het doet mij ook denken aan de passage "A lot of things has preceded this week. Last Monday I took action direction United Kingdom. Tuesday I tuned in on BBC1 and gradually the messages came over. It began with the scandalous story in The Sun and Diana's reaction that it had something to do with her 'first engagement after her divorce'. On 13.35 h. an AWAC exploration plane came flying low over my house and the stream of gossips reached gale force." Op blz. 170 van mijn boek. Afgelopen donderdagavond kwam ik in Arnhem langs een patates frites-zaak met de naam Ratelband. Ik zie zojuist in een programma van Bart de Graaf dat hij aan Emile Ratelband toebehoort. Emile heeft nog niet op mijn boek gereageerd, maar ik verwacht dat dat nu niet lang meer zal duren. Hij komt vier keer voor in mijn boek. Ik citeer: Sunday, 22 June 1997 Fortunately there was one person that I knew, but he did not recognize me. His name is Emile Ratelband and he believes in positive thinking. Just like I do (Tsjakkaa...). Blz. 291. Tuesday, 24-06-1997 'Concerns: New Light. Very esteemed Mr Kok, I have understood that You - considering Your busy activities in Denver - could not be present last Sunday in Huis ter Duin. I only had to be content with Emile Ratelband (Tsjakka). En: "Tjakka, Seven hundred thousand guilders for the good purpose (T24/6)": It was a true star gala that had been held in HOTEL HUIS TER DUIN for the Flying Doctors". Regarding Mr Ratelband. "Plug out of the centre of the Netherlands (T24/6)": The greatest disturbance in national history started around half past ten yesterday morning. I found myself on the railway station of Leiden at that time. So you see. There's still a lot of work to do in this country. Blz. 292 en 295. Sunday, 29-06-1997 I noted that Mr Ratelband is obliged to divorce. It's a pity that he did not get into contact with me when he had the chance last Sunday. Blz. 304. Op die dag bezocht ik Paleis Het Loo, met een brief voor Prinses Margriet. Nadien heb ik Emile niet meer getroffen. De laatste keer dat ik hem heb gesproken was op 28 november 1997 in de Pieterskerk in Leiden. Ik heb hem toen mijn visitekaartje verstrekt met de gegevens van de holding. 23.49 Interessante uitzending van de NCRV gezien, met onder meer Eimert Middelkoop en Ian Paisley. 00.19 Reactie Geachte vrienden van de NCRV, Met veel belangstelling heb ik vanavond naar uw uitzending "Wij Oranje" gekeken met veel bekende beelden. Mijn gehele lagere schooltijd heb ik daarbij herbeleefd, alsmede mijn 'avonturen' in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. De thematiek loopt nog steeds als een rode draad door mijn leven. Het moet mij daarbij van het hart dat ik eerder geïnteresseerd ben in hetgeen mensen met elkaar verbindt, dan hetgeen mensen scheidt. Om die reden heb ik in 1992 het Instituto Cervantes Benelux en de Stichting Cervantes Benelux opgericht en in 1997 het Instituto Cervantes Engeland en Wales. Recentelijk is mijn boek LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES op de markt verschenen. Mijn uitgever Trafford Publishing in Canada heeft daartoe in het afgelopen weekend wereldwijd 12.200 persberichten verzonden aan hun relaties. De tekst van het persbericht luidt alsvolgt: LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES tells of one man's quest for peace of mind etc. Al geruime tijd heb ik dienaangaande contact met de heer Rik Felderhof. Het lijkt mij een goede zaak de achtergronden van dit boek te bespreken in zijn programma Villa Felderhof. Ik vernam vandaag dat er een bericht uit Hilversum in mijn postbus ligt in Utrecht. Daarom zal ik morgen vanuit Nijmegen weer eens naar Utrecht reizen. Ik hoop nadien goede verdere afspraken met u te kunnen maken. Met vriendelijke groet, JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN.